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一些 a range of | a variety of | a series of | an array of

无数 innumerable | countless | a myrid of

许多 plenty of | a great deal of | a lot of | ample

非常多 (大) 的 tremendous | immense | huge | gigantic | giant | enormous | numerous and


扩展,扩大 expand | broaden | widen | extend | enlarge | spread


过时的 outdated | antiquated | outmoded | obsolete | anachronistic | go out of style | go out of fashion

永久的,长期不变的 permanently | enduringly | lastingly | constantly

短暂的 ephemeral | transitory | transient | short-lived

不合时宜的 anachronism

可持久的 durable | able to stand wear | last a long time

前述的 aforementioned | aforesaid | former

自古到今 from ancient times to the present day | down through the ages

老式的 old-fashioned | out of date | dated

永远的 eternal | perpetual | lasting throughout life

后来,然后 afterwards | later on | later, after all

迟早,最终 eventually | sooner or later | at length | ultimately | finally


认为,主张 argue | maintain | hold | believe | deem | reckon | claim | state| assert

表达 voice | convey | express | deliver | communicate

描绘,描述,描写 depict | describe | picture

考虑 take…..sth. into consideration | consider | ponder | meditate |contemplate | think over | reflect on/upon | meditate on the matter(思考这问题) | ponder over

下结论,断定 come into conclusion | arrive at / reach the conclusion | draw the conclusion | conclude | decide | assert

好处,优点 advantage | merit | benefit

坏处,缺点 disadvantage | defect | flaw | drawback | deficiency

获得 acquire | obtain | attain | reap

赢得,取得 earn| gain | procure

支持, 赞成 approve of | in favor of | uphold | stand by one's side | agree with | give one's assent | support | endorse | back up | uphold

提倡 advocate | recommend

真诚的,衷心的 hearty | sincere | frank | honest

有用的 useful | of use | serviceable | good for | instrumental |productive

使…受益 benefit… | do good to… | is good for… is of great benefit to…

有意义的 meaningful | fulfilling | far-reaching | profound | significant |eventful

yell at | reprimand | chide | scold | reprove

否定 deny | withhold | negate

错的 mistaken | erroneous | wrong | incorrect

错事 wrongdoing | bad acts | misbehavior

违反,侵犯 violate | disobey | infringe | break

责备,斥责 blame | accuse | denounce | scold

做相反的 do the reverse of | do the opposite

归咎 blame…on | put the blame on … | …is to blame

瓦解 disintegrate | break up | separate into small parts

支持某一方 in favor of | on the side of

一致的 unanimous | in complete agreement

不恰当 inappropriate | improper | unsuitable | inadequate

批判 criticize | blame | find fault with | make judgments of the merits and faults of…

重要的,有决定性的 vital | crucial | critical | decisive

使用 employ | utilize | apply (应用)

想法 frame of mind | mind set | the way one is thinking

夸耀 brag about | boast about | show off | speak highly of

对抗权威 stand up against authority | resist boldly the authority

选择 choose | elect | opt for | pick | single out

复杂的 complicated | complex

费解的 mysterious | incomprehensible | obscure | unintelligible

混杂的,不清楚地,迷惑的 confused | bewildered | perplexed


在我看来,就我而言 in my view | in my belief | as far as I can see | in my mind |

as far as I am concerned | in my opinion | from my perspective

明智的,合理的 advisable | sensible | rational | sane | logical | reasonable

提高 improve | increase | enhance | raise | elevate | grow

使信服 convince | persuade | assure | confirm

有敌意的,反对的 hostile | adverse | aggressive

方法,手段 method | approach | means | measure |mode

熟悉,知道 be acquainted with | be familiar with | be informed of

解决,处理 resolve | settle | deal with | cope with | manage | work on

减少,削弱 reduce | decrease | diminish | lessen | lower

具体的,明确的 concrete | specific | particular | definite | special

必要的,不可缺少的 indispensable | essential | necessary

合作 cooperate | join forces | work side by side | make joint efforts

遵守 abide by | observe | conform | comply | adhere

努力做,尽力做 attempt to | make efforts to | endeavor to | manage to do

开展,实施,做 practice | carry on | conduct | perform | implement | bring into effect | put in practice

强调,突出 lay/ place emphasis on | attach emphasis to | stress on highlight | underline

实现,完成 achieve | accomplish | fulfill | complete

起作用 play a role | perform | function | serve | play a part

影响 affect| impact | have effect on | influence

意识到 be aware of | be conscious of | realize | recognize


大多数人 most people -> the majority of the population

必须 must -> It is a must for us to

如果 if -> provided that

各行各业的人 all kinds of people -> people from all walks from life

people -> individuals

越来越多 more and more -> an increasing number of

表明 show -> demonstrate | indicate | reveal

部分 part -> proportion

培养 develop -> cultivate

破坏 destroy -> undermine

随着…的发展 with the development of -> due to the proliferation of

因为,由于 because -> on the account of | by reason of | inasmuch as | thanks to | owing to | due to | as as result of | as a consequence of


and -> moreover | as well as | what's more | furthermore ;

also -> another key fact to remember;

but -> however | then again | on the other hand | yet | that said ;

so -> therefore | as a result | consequently | as a consequence | thus | accordingly |